Game level
Game type
Choose songpacks
Note: You cannot change songpacks while a playlist is selected.
Choose playlist
You have not yet defined any playlists. Playlists are defined in the "Customize Larkwire " section of Search & Browse.
Tips mode
Type any part of common name (e.g., "black")
Title of new playlist (e.g., "Near home")
You have not yet defined any playlists.
Playlists allow you to define which species are included in your game. Once defined, you turn playlists on/off from the Settings page.
Select all
Spinning wheel Loading ...
Tip: To make the Larkwire gameboard fit your screen, use your browser's Zoom command.
Click the birds to preview their songs. Click the Start button to play the game.
Click the bird image that matches the sound.
If you get one wrong (or if you press Stop), the game pauses and you can again click the birds to review their sounds. Click the Resume button to continue the game.
To change the birds in your gallery, click the Refill button . Or, you can uncheck the checkbox next to the group's title and check another one.
Click the Info button to show listening tips for your current gallery.
Want to exclude certain songs? You can specify which songs to include by selecting their checkboxes on the group's Comparison page. To open the Comparison page, click the title of the group
Want a little extra help? Check out two articles on Getting The Most Out Of Larkwire. (Go to Home and then Help.)
If you recognize this song, click the Know button. Otherwise, click Not Sure. Be sure to form a definite answer in your mind before choosing.
You can add or remove groups from the game at any time using the checkboxes next to each group's title.
Now click Got it or Missed it—it's the honor system. This enables the learning engine to track your learning progress and use your practice time efficiently.
This is a bird that you haven't seen before, so Larkwire plays the song and doesn't quiz you. The chime sound separates different song samples.
You can click the Next button whenever you're ready. You don't have to wait for the song to end.
You can start and stop the audio by clicking the Larkwire bird .
The orange buttons represent the most common, representative samples. The other samples show typical variation and are only used in the game at the Master level.
Use the checkboxes to select specific songs to be included in this game.
"Emphatic?" "Breathless?" "Metallic?" Wondering what something in the song text means? Check out the Glossary. (Go to Home and then Help.)
The orange buttons represent the most common, representative samples. The other samples show typical variation, and are only used in the game at the Master level.
Tips are now off. You can turn them back on from the Settings page .
Total sounds:
Best streak:
Points added:
Total points:
Bird on a wire audio loading indicator
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