Library / Advanced Groups West / Orioles & Meadowlarks
This is an advanced-level comparison group of oriole and meadowlark songs and sounds from Land Birds of North America, Western region.
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Bullock's Oriole
A disjointed jumble of whistles, chucks, and harsh notes.
Hooded Oriole
Similar to Bullock's but averages higher; listen for quick rattles, distinctive rising whistled weet notes, and frequent imitations.
Scott's Oriole
Lower, richer, and more bubbly than other orioles; recall's Western Meadowlark; fewer repeated notes than Baltimore.
Baltimore Oriole
Varied mix of slow and quickly repeated whistles; songs often interspersed with separate "warm up" notes (e.g., MI cut). More whistled and usually slower than Orchard, lacking sharp high notes.
Orchard Oriole
Higher than other orioles; usually harsher and faster than Baltimore.
Eastern Meadowlark
A series of clear, slurred whistles, often descending; Southwestern birds lower than Eastern. Spring of the year.
Western Meadowlark
Much lower, more bubbly than Eastern; often descending overall. Kan-sas is beautiful.
Recordings copyright 2011-2012 Macaulay Library, all rights reserved. All photos (except as noted) copyright 2011-2012 Brian E. Small, all rights reserved. Western Meadowlark: Copyright E. Schmidt. Song texts copyright 2011-2012 Larkwire, LLC., all rights reserved.