Library / Intermediate Groups East / Warblers 1: Warbles & Chatters
This is an intermediate-level comparison group of warbling and chattering warbler songs and sounds from Land Birds of North America, Eastern/Central region.
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Yellow-rumped Warbler
High, steady, slurred warble; usually weak and fading at end but some stronger.
Yellow Warbler
Sweet, clear whistles, typically with quick "stutter" phrase before final rising or descending note. Much variation, but two common patterns: sweet sweet sweet little-more sweet and sweet sweet sweet me-me-me-too.
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Similar to Yellow but lacks stutter phrase, and averages lower. Primary song has distinct accented me-chew ending: pleased pleased pleased ta meet-you. Secondary song more rambling, without accented ending. Yellow Warbler may closely match some Chestnut-sided songs, but most birds quickly switch back to more typical Yellow songs, while Chestnut-sided repeats same song over and over.
Wilson's Warbler
A rapid series of notes, usually with chattering quality but sometimes more whistled; often changes at end.
Orange-crowned Warbler
Hard, rapid trill, usually fading and dropping at end.
Recordings copyright 2011-2012 Macaulay Library, all rights reserved. All photos (except as noted) copyright 2011-2012 Brian E. Small, all rights reserved. Song texts copyright 2011-2012 Larkwire, LLC., all rights reserved.